
Es gibt zwei Arten von Schmerzen: akute und chronische.

Bei akuten Schmerzen kommt es zu Gewebeschäden, z.B. wenn man mit einem Hammer auf den Daumen schlägt.
Dieser Schmerz ist ein nützliches Signal, dass Sie sich ausruhen müssen, um sich zu erholen.
Wenn der Schaden geheilt ist, verschwindet der Schmerz.



Chronic pain is a long-term pain. The body, emotions, thinking and behavior play a role. There is not really one cause.
The pain is not always a useful signal function that you should take rest.


The physical causes of pain can be: wear and tear of joints, acidified muscles or an overstimulated nervous system. Each ache is then inflated into a nasty, nagging pain.


Chronic pain is often accompanied by negative emotions: stress, anxiety or depression. These emotions aggravate the pain.


Pain affects your thinking patterns and behavior.

Negative thoughts – You think more about what went wrong in the past or could go wrong in the future because of the pain. People often tend to catastrophe.
Avoid – you push away thoughts of the pain.
Block – you block, you get started by the pain.
Skills - pain makes you impatient.
Behavior – you may move much less than you actually can. Afraid of damaging your body.
Negative self-image – thoughts like: I'm worthless or I can't do anything at all.


The exercises are largely the same as with stress.
Only the pain exercise focuses attention directly on the pain. You learn to reduce the pain in different ways. See chapter exercises.


The exercises are largely the same as with stress.

Your thinking patterns and behavior are no longer focused on the pain.

Thoughts in the present - you live more in the present and less what went wrong because of the pain in the past or in the future.
From avoidance to acceptance – you no longer fight the pain.
That makes the experience less intense.
From blocking to letting go – it's better to distance yourself.
From lack of skills to the right skills – e.g. patience.
From negative to positive behavior – you move within the limits you can.
Positive self-image - even though I am in pain, I am a valuable person.

Pain is difficult to measure. But the nervous system plays a central role in chronic pain and that can be measured with biofeedback.
By measuring the heart coherence, you can determine which exercises provide the most pain relief.



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